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Pass4SAP: indispensable tool for SAP companies looking to improve their cyber security posture

Pass4SAP is a connector that integrates the PassSecurium™ password manager with the SAP system.

With more than two decades of experience in SAP consulting, implementation and configuration, our company has seen many ways in which digitalisation has evolved in organisations, as well as the evolution of attitudes towards digitalisation and data protection in general.

Today, these issues are more relevant than ever, and the tightening of data protection legislation means that delay is no longer an option. Companies and organisations that fail to keep pace with modern technologies and data protection requirements will fall far behind their technologically advanced competitors.

So when a large organisation uses spreadsheets or text files to store and share passwords, it causes astonishment and concern for its future. The larger the organisation and the more complex its structure, the more blind spots there are when it comes to implementing new technologies. This creates additional risks that can lead to data breaches and large financial losses.

Critical information such as logins and passwords, bank accounts and cards, access to servers, etc. must be stored in an application with an appropriate level of protection. One such application is a password manager, such as our PassSecurium™.

Another case is that, from time to time, the organisation's SAP system needs to be improved or customised, and it is often necessary to involve external specialists. Of course, these specialists need access data to the systems they need to configure. Do you think it is safe to send access data by e-mail? Absolutely not, but these situations do happen. This is where a password manager comes in handy, allowing you to securely share the required set of credentials for the time needed for development and testing, and then simply stop sharing.

Implementing a separate password manager in SAP companies can be confusing and employees may be reluctant to learn another IT system. That's why we developed Pass4SAP - a connector that seamlessly integrates our PassSecurium™ password manager into your SAP system. Thus, this makes it easier for employees to get used to the new software and closes many security gaps in the management of access data and other sensitive information.

How will your organisation benefit from proper password management with Pass4SAP??

  • Structured access data storage plus granular group-based sharing.
  • Various access data templates, ability to add 2-factor authentication tokens and file attachments to records.
  • Password generator, dark net monitoring (checking if your login/password were exposed in a data breach).
  • Configurable access and security policies. VPN access.
  • Activity log.
  • Customisable interface (to match your brand book).
  • Integration and hosting options: server & cloud.
  • Integration with your SAP Active Directory.
  • Transfer of external connection structures to third-party systems from SAP to PassSecurium™ for easier management and sharing.

It is also worth mentioning the extensive experience of our company's specialists in the field of SAP and cyber security, as well as SAP and ISO27001 certifications.

Don't leave your company's valuable data unprotected! And our company, as an expert in this field, will be happy to help you close this gap.

If you are interested in our solution, our specialists will be happy to answer your questions via the contact form on the website.

Pass4SAP website -->


No compromises! If you are still missing something in the PassSecurium™ offer just let us know and we will customize PassSecurium™ to meet your requirements. We gladly advise you on the most suitable PassSecurium™ version and possibilities for customization.



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