Change your Password Day
In connection to "Change your Password Day", today we would like to dive deeper into the topic of password security.
Our everyday life today cannot be imagined without passwords. Almost everywhere you have to log in with a password. No matter if professional or private, the number of passwords is constantly growing. However, a secure password is a struggle for a lot of people, because the more complex the character string is, the more difficult it is to remember it. According to a recent study, this is a cause for concern. The question now is not whether user accounts can be hacked, but also when it will happen or how long it will take to hack it? Only 12% of the studied passwords contained any characters at all, while 13% consisted only of numbers. To get a better idea of how quickly passwords can be decrypted by a hacker, we recommend taking a look at the brute force tables.
You can quickly see that many combinations are "cracked" in just a few seconds. Therefore, it is enormously important to take a closer look at one's passwords and, despite convenience, to replace the simple and easy-to-remember passwords. Today, there are numerous solutions to create secure passwords quickly and store them reliably without even having to remember them. The help for this is provided by so-called password managers. Our own developed password manager PassSecurium™ was developed according to the "Security by Design" concept and offers, in addition to the professional protection of passwords, numerous functions to use the passwords optimally in a team.
To make the password storage even more secure, we recommend to add a short and easy-to-remember string to the stored passwords, which is not stored in a password manager. This way you don't give hackers a chance to guess your passwords.
Meanwhile, it is not so important to change your passwords regularly. However, it is important to create the good passwords and keep them safe.
If you need support with password security, we will be happy to assist you. Do not hesitate to contact us: